Discover how This
Simple Night "Habit" 
can change your LIFE right after this video...
Feel Good in Your Skin Again:

Melt Away Stubborn Fat with...

A Simple Night "Habit" 

Getting sick and tired of packing on excess fat?

Looking at your progress and feeling at a loss or beaten down?

However you can put all of that aside starting today...

...because you are reading the exact words my most successful customers read right before their life changed forever...

...and they managed to fit into their old clothes and appear years younger... simply leveraging the power of one fat melting hack breakthrough...

...allowing you to burn body fat like you never though possible before.

Struggling fat burners all around the globe are now using this peculiar solution to turn their lives around and achieve fitness success.

Now I get it.

You may sit there and go: "Yeah...this is a little too good to be true."

And I understand that, especially with everything else that's out there.

Just let me ask you this:

If I show you undeniable proof this approach will all but guarantee your success...
Would you be interested in discovering all about it?

Keep reading and you'll see exactly how they're pulling it off, and how you can too.

PLUS: I'll reveal the REAL reason why some of the more popular health and wellness approaches leave you worse off than they found you.

Most of this stuff no one is actually talking about...

...letting unaware dieters fall pray to these traps and never taste success.

And let me tell you something:

The Deck Is Stacked Against You
I'm the furthest thing from a pessimist, but the numbers don't lie.

I don't know if you're aware of this however...

...93% of men and women who carry more than 15 pounds of excess fat suffer from a rapidly-slowing metabolism, down-regulating more every year...

...not to mention 53% of men and women with low thyroid due to weight loss issues suffer from heart conditions later in life.

Plus when you take into account that over half of women over 40 and 3/4 of men over 40 report having food addictions or uncontrollable cravings...

You really start to grasp how dire the situation really is.

Those numbers do not bode well for you...and you absolutely need an edge. 

A way of approaching things that helps you avoid becoming just another number inside a nightmare statistic...

Why You Should Listen To Me

You might have heard of me before...
My name is Martha Jones...(in the middle)
Grandmother of 4, Mother of 2 and weight loss coach for the last 15 years.
I have spent the last 15 years, studying weight loss and helping thousands of men and women loss the weight they desire.
I have also reversed heart disease and type 2 diabetes using the principles that I teach.

After 15 years in the industry, I have become known as The 'Real World', 'Real Food' weight loss expert.

And the thing is I haven't always been this successful.

In fact not too long ago I was truly struggling to lose weight.

I have to warn you:

This will be the unfiltered version.

I'm going to expose everything warts and all.

And it's important for you to see exactly what I discovered during my journey...
Because it can save you months, even years of struggling.

I'm a lot like you; however, I've also had some unique experiences.

These led to insights that you'll find extremely helpful.

My struggles with weight loss began shortly after college.

I was always "skinny fat", and I tried in vain to lose weight and to shape up.

But I always ended up getting sick after working out just a few days a week, and never managed to get the body I wanted.

Eventually I ended up 75 pounds overweight, clinically obese, and actually suffered a near-fatal heart attack in my early 40s.

I suffered from extreme depression and social anxiety.

Back then I never believed I could have the life I have today...

To feel this happy and fulfilled in so many ways...

The reason for this astonishing turn of events?

The discovery I'm going to share with you today...

With This You'll Get What You Really Want...

Your no. 1 goal is this:

You want to burn body fat.

You may also be interested in appearing years younger...increasing your overall health, energy and sex drive...

...and maybe even fitting into your old clothes.

And if you're anything like me, you want to do ALL of this...

• near effortlessly...
• without hardly trying...
• while you inspire your friends and family...
• with a sense of style...
• and faster...

However, The Stakes Are Higher Than You Think

The tip you'll discover today will make an stunning impact on your health and wellness success.

All you have to do to achieve this is simply take action.

Just be advised that doing nothing has some dire consequences.

And I'm not talking about you spinning your wheels in place... could die before your time.

Now that's the worst case scenario, but I've seen it happen more than I care to remember. And since neither of us wants that to happen to you, let's get you moving in the right direction...

My Rock Bottom Leads to Your Success

First, let me tell you how my story turned out:

I remember the day when everything changed for me.

It was the moment I decided to take control of my health and wellness, with the goal of losing stubborn body fat.

After researching different methods for melting away fat, I stumbled across the process and knew that it was going to be my answer.

I followed simple nightly guide diligently and soon enough, I started seeing results!

Over time, pounds melted away and I felt more energized than ever before as I continued on my journey toward achieving a healthier version of myself.

The process had given me back control over my weight loss goals and empowered me to make positive changes in other areas of life as well.

This was truly a turning point in my life where all those years of frustration with stubborn fat were finally gone - replaced by an unshakable confidence that came from knowing anything is possible with the simple night rituals if you put your mind to it! .

If I could turn it around, then you can easily do the same.

Quick question:

How Would Your Life Change If I Could Eliminate Your Hardships?

Picture yourself experiencing...

...doing the things we all love to do...
...a greater sense of flow and harmony...
...or even fitting into those favorite clothes again!

These are dreams realized by so many of my weight loss customers and family and friends... and I want the same for you.

In fact if you take action and do what is written on this page...

You'll even regain youthful stamina and energy and lose 5 or more pounds in the first week.

Thousands of over 40's men and women have achieved this...

All of them agree their success is in large part due to the breakthrough method I'm sharing right here.

However, in order to succeed you first need to...

RUN From These 3 Common Lies And Myths

And when it comes to dropping unwanted pounds and appearing years younger...
There is no shortage of bad advice out there.

For example you may be under the impression you have to try to reduce your calories and fat to extremely low levels.

It's a myth called Low Fat Overload, and I used to buy into that lie myself.

In reality this just leads to frustration, and can actually cause your body to store more fat, especially if you cut your calories too low for more than 72 hours.

You can take that to the bank.

Now that's the first myth...

The second one is avoiding your favorite foods, especially desserts...or maybe just eating them once a week at the most.

I know a great deal of people who followed this God awful advice and never got any results..

However, the truth is my plan calls for enjoying your favorite foods just about any day you like, and especially every 4th day.

That way you’re never more than 72 hours or so away from anything you want to eat.
And then there's "Dieting Overload"... of the most common, yet most devastating myths of all.

Exercising Overload is when you must perform cardio exercise at the gym 7 days a week...

Yet in reality extended cardio exercise does very little to burn body fat.

So how did all this misinformation get around?

Some believe it's all thanks to so-called 'gurus' who never struggled themselves (how can they relate to you?) and mainstream magazines...

...while I lean toward thinking it's the media at the root of it all.
Now, despite all of that nonsense...

There is one unmistakable reality when it comes to weight loss...

And that is...

What's Truly Holding You Back

Have you ever wondered why despite your best efforts... seems like your goals were always out of reach?

This is why:

low Leptin levels.

Low leptin levels can cause a variety of health issues, including fatigue, weight gain, and difficulty regulating appetite.

When your body doesn't produce enough of the hormone leptin, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy weight or regulate hunger cravings.

This can lead to overeating and unhealthy food choices that further contribute to poor health..

Here's a fun way to look at this pressing problem:

Low leptin levels can be compared to having a faulty fuel gauge in a car - it will never accurately tell you how much fuel is left in the tank and you may run out of gas more quickly than expected..

low Leptin levels Can Mess You Up Pretty Good

If you believe gaining weight is a serious problem to have...

Wait and see what low Leptin levels can cause...

For example, it can lead to concerns like health issues...

...and this can be a serious problem because you won't be able to enjoy your favorite things in life.

It can also lead to obesity ...and this can be a serious problem because your quality of life will suffer tremendously.

Things may look bleak when you realize that...

...yet there is a silver lining... that I'm sharing in this letter... keep reading...

Identifying The Early Signs Of low Leptin levels

Now you might be wondering...

"OK, Martha how do I know if low Leptin levels is responsible for all my weight loss struggles?"

One way of telling low Leptin levels is rearing it's ugly head... if your body doesn't have enough leptin,

... it is unable to regulate hunger signals properly and can cause you to overeat or crave unhealthy foods.

This can lead to an increase in fat storage and difficulty losing weight..

Fortunately I have a way around it. If you find that you tend to be sitting too long; set a timer alarm on your smart phone for 55 minutes.

When it goes off, stand up and walk around for five minutes.

You’ll find this helps your body’s metabolism and goes a long way to prevent heart issues from sitting all day.

Here's another low Leptin levels trigger:

Low leptin levels can cause a variety of health issues, including fatigue, weight gain, and difficulty regulating appetite..

And don't worry...
I have the solution for this one as well...

...Leptin is an important hormone produced by fat cells in the body which helps regulate energy balance by signaling when you are full after eating.

Maintaining healthy levels of leptin is essential for maintaining good health and avoiding unwanted weight gain...

As helpful as these tips may be, they are not the ultimate solution. However, before I can explain how this can make a difference in your life...

Let me tell you how it all started.

It's how I managed to discover the sure-fire way of removing low Leptin levels from my life once and for all...

...while dropping unwanted pounds.

This ONE Tip Transformed My Life Forever
One of the secrets to my success in health and wellness is the leveraging the power of role models. I learned over the years to be very selective. And even more important:

I learned to spot consistent patterns.

One of my favorite fat melting hacks success patterns story involves Tony Robbins.

Let me share why, and see if you can spot the pattern I did that led to such success.
Tony started off broke, overweight, and depressed..

Through his skills of role modeling, he was able to use techniques like NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis to build a balanced life of health, wealth, and relationships...

Here's How You Can Replicate This Success For Yourself

You hear stories like that of Tony Robbins and you may be tempted to think to yourself, "Yeah, but folks like that usually get a personal trainer."

The truth is...that's not the reason.

In reality, you can lose weight without any help at the gym, or even doing any exercise at all.

Look, I used to belief in the same stuff...

Heck I even believed that in order to see real results I'd have to get a personal trainer.

So imagine my surprised when I discovered can lose weight without any help at the gym, or even doing any exercise at all.

Another myth is that successful fat burners seem to balance . It sounds reasonable, but it's simply a myth...

...and it's one holding you back from a solution that actually works:

It Took Countless Trial and Error Tests However I Managed To Uncover The Path To Success

Are there common traits among the truly successful? 

I spent the past several years studying more than 100 people who decided to take control of their health and wellness and their success stories. 

True winners...included those dedication and commitment to the process.

==> They all understood that the fat melting hack process was not a "quick fix" but rather a long-term solution that required consistent effort over time? 

I studied people who lost weight and kept it off for 5 years or more and found that they all do this one thing: they vary their carbohydrate intake. 

This way, they never feel deprived of their favorite foods..

The most successful fat burners did this consistently, like clockwork.

And honestly, this slipped by me when I first started out.

Luckily after doing extensive research it finally clicked and I started to model what they were doing.

And once I did, I never looked back. 

Within about the 60th-day of the journey, I felt better than I have in decades...

…looked younger and leaner…and finally could fit back into those ‘skinny clothes’ I keep in my closet, and..., my entire outlook on health and wellness changed, and the success I had once struggled to find finally found me.

My experience taught me 1 undeniable truth:

Your Success Relies on "fat melting hacks"

When I finally shared the concept of fat melting hacks with a small group of my customers and colleagues, the consensus was...

"That's the answer. When we started using this approach, we balanced our to tasty and nutritious options that fit into any meal plan that melted the fats!."

Now, what's it all about?

Your internal body temperature is important for how your body burns food for energy..

Let me unpack that a bit further for you:

Picture this: 

Your internal body temperature is important for how your body burns food for energy, just like a house needing regular temperature control. If a house does not have the right temperature, it is not comfortable or energy-efficient. 

Similarly, if our bodies do not have the right inner temperature, we will not have enough energy for daily activities or metabolism. 

Without a healthy inner body temperature, we would not be able to regulate our weight or function properly..

A Few Quick Tips For Starting With
fat melting hacks

I've discovered a few tactics along the way that help my customers get started applying fat melting hacks to their health and wellness goals.

First off...

...start trying to eat fewer calories, remove starchy carbs from your meals for three days. 

Then, on the fourth day, you can add them back in and eat one of your favorite foods.

Here's another tip my customers find helpful:

Keep a food journal to track your intake of starchy carbs and other foods..

There's also another way of approaching weight loss that can work, but it's not one that works as consistently as fat melting hacks:

...starving...starving yourself daily on ridiculously low calorie or low-fat diets.

It's up to you if you want to risk it and give that a try...

Just keep in mind fat melting hacks is a much better way to go.

What Are Your Next Steps?

Now as great as these tips are...

They need something extra to really make a big impact...

And help you burn body fat and appear years younger...

That requires one more important step.

This is what countless fat burners call "the perfect system" for getting the most out of "fat melting hacks"...

However before I pull back the curtain...

I think it's important for you to see how I came up with it...

This is the story:

Success leaves clues. That's why I've spent over 15 years perfecting the science of using a simple, 4-day carb and calorie cycle to burn fat and lose weight faster than any other diet on the planet…

...without suffering from deprivation, thyroid problems associated with low-calorie diets, or excessive workout routines.

This resulted in the world's foremost odd ice fat melting hack nightly process that enables you to shed unwanted fat and completely flatten your belly.

And you do it without starving yourself or going to the gym!

It's probably the main reason why everyone that tried this found it to be astounding...gripping and even riveting.
Introducing Alpilean

Alpilean is the nootropic formulation delivered to your door within 7-14 business days.
Once received it virtually fast tracks you... to applying the nightly fat melting hacks in a way that's enjoyable as it is effective.

Here's a glimpse of what you can achieve with Alpilean:

You can discover a newfound surge of energy and vitality ...all without artificial or dangerous energy pills...

You can easily align your internal body temperature regulated without the hassles of regular exercise and proper hydration...

You can effortlessly shed fat from your belly, thighs and waist without cutting calories or giving up the foods you love...


"Can I Benefit From Alpilean?"

Listen, you might be wondering if Alpilean can get help you reach your weight loss goals...

...even though everything else you've tried has failed you miserably.

Let me ease your mind:

It took years of dedicated hard work...

Researching only the most successful fat burners...

Thousands of hours spent figuring out how to make this work...

Countless trial-and-error runs to hone Alpilean to perfection.

Thanks to those who came before me...

And some of my eye-opening revelations...

You now have in your reach the nightly ritual countless fat burners said it was the answer to their prayers.

Alpilean can be the solution to your problems when all other options have failed.

Since it consistently leads to success for fat burners like you...

...many consider it to be "Success Insurance" when it comes to burning body fat.

Before you get the full scoop from some of the folk who used it and successfully reached their health and wellness goals...

I want you to know something...

Alpilean really is a process for fat melting hacks that can work for literally anyone...

...even if you are trying different methods of losing fat that can be costly and time-consuming, with no guarantee that the desired results will be achieved...

...or even if you've never managed to stay on a diet for more than a few weeks...

...and get this:

Even if you're spending hours at the gym working out in an effort to melt away stubborn fat>>>

Alpilean can still deliver results that can help you lose troublesome fat from hips, belly, under arms and thighs while melting lbs of deep fat everyday – at the same time.

The Long Lasting Results You Are Looking For

Lets' take a look at the results you can look forward to...

And especially how fast are you going to see them...

Results come fast, beginning in as little as 24 hours, you'll begin to notice the fat melting away...

Then the real magic happens: over the next 4 weeks as the results really kick in... you'll notice your energy levels going up...

...and it just keeps getting better:

In as little as the end of the 60-day journey, you’ll feel better than you have in decades…

...looking younger and leaner…and you’ll fit back into those ‘skinny clothes’ you keep in your closet ...that's all...your journey really pays off by keeping that stubborn fat away.

That is the weight loss success you absolutely deserve and will finally:

==> Let you surge to healthy weight and lifestyle!

==> Empower you to drain your worries!

==> Deliver you a way to achieve a desired body shape!

==> Powerfully guide you into adopt a long-term plan for shedding stubborn fat.!

==> Quickly decode the best way for you to abolish self-doubt and feelings of defeat.!


And look, I'm not the only one saying this...

Read What Our Success Stories Have To Say

These are just some of the near-countless testimonials we receive...

From ecstatic fat burners who tried Alpilean...

And messaged us with their incredible results...

"Melt Fat Easily" 

“With the Alpilean, I was able to shed 15 pounds! It’s been a life-changing experience and I am so proud of my results.” - Karen B.

"Unlock Vitality and Energy" 

"After following the Alpilean for just 8 weeks, I lost 10 pounds and feel more energized than ever before!" - Lisa C.

"Align Your Temperature" 

“The most surprising aspect of this program has been the transformation in how I think about food and exercise—I have an entirely different attitude now!” - Steve G.
This are just a drop in the bucket...

I could't literary fill up a room with the number of messages we get...

Backed By An Industry-Leading "Results-Or-Else" Guarantee

Look, the truth is simple:

I want to take all your worries away and give you unshakable confidence that you will not only lose weight…’ll do it without hardly trying and while you inspire your friends and family...

So much that I’ll shoulder all the risk...

That's why Alpilean is backed by a iron-clad 60-day guarantee [ promise ].

At Alpilean, we truly believe in our product and stand behind it 100%.

That’s why we offer an iron-clad 60-day guarantee – if you’re not completely satisfied with your results within the first two months, simply reach out to us and we’ll provide a full refund of your purchase.

No questions asked! We want to ensure that you have the best experience possible and are confident in your ability to reach your health and wellness goals with our system.

Try it today – we guarantee you won’t regret it!

Happy fat melting! Enjoy!

That alone is a sweet deal...

However this is going to be even sweeter...

You Get These Exclusive Bonuses When You Grab Alpilean Today

Now, when you see the deep discount I'm offering today on Alpilean... may do a double-take to make sure you read it correctly...

However I still wanted to give you more...

So I decided to go so far beyond the extra mile... would be in a different zip code.

That's why I added these exclusive bonuses you can get 100% for free...

When you get Alpilean within 30 minutes for watching the video below!

Check out this $59.95 value exclusive bonus you receive 100% FREE by simply taking action today...

It's called 1 Day Kick-start Detox!

...15 seconds detox tea, made from 20 different ingredients found in your kitchen, is the perfect way to kick-start a detox! 

This easy recipe literally only takes 15 seconds to make and you'll have an energizing and cleansing beverage that can help flush out toxins in the body.

Next, I kept the best for last:

This is my Renew You! SUPER-BONUS that you're getting for FREE today.'ll receive complimentary access to Renew You, a super-handy relieve stress and calm your mind helper that is valued at $49.95, yours FREE today!

... help reduce stress and anxiety, boost creativity, support overall brain health, sharpen your focus and awaken clarity of thought... 

With breakthrough tips specifically designed to promote better cognitive performance and mental resilience...

Renew You offers a natural way to renew your mind and renew your life!

Just these bonuses ALONE have an insane retail value. 

Yet you'll never pay a penny for them, if you decide to act today before I decide to remove them from Alpilean...

A Killer DEAL For Only $39.00 / bottles for 180 days supply


Even if I were to sell Alpilean for a fair price like $59 / bottle for 30 days supply...

You'd still be getting one heck of a deal.

Throw the bonuses into the mix and you'd be looking at $168.90...

And when you think about it...

Considering this is a one-of-a-kind odd nightly ice melting hack...

Virtually guaranteed to that enables you to shed unwanted fat and completely flatten your belly without starving yourself or going to the gym...

Then even that price seems like a once-in-a-lifetime deal.

Still, I decided to do you one better today. Much better.

Go to the page below right now... grab Alpilean PLUS all those exclusive bonuses...

...for a tiny investment of just $39.00 / bottle.

That's a savings to you of $129.90 / bottle slashed right off the retail price!

This Is The Dawn Of A New Age
We truly live in remarkable times.

Alpilean is based on knowledge not available to the general public until very recently.
It was a laborious task to get to the bottom of this... gain a deep understanding of how everything works...

...and how it can be put together in a way everyone could benefit from.

Countless hours slaving away over every scrap of information I could find...

Doing trial and error tests and getting everything to line up as perfectly as possible...

So you don't have to worry about making heads or tails of any of this...

Here's why:

I Made All The Sacrifices So You Don't Have To

All that's left if for you to take action.

That's something I can't do for you.

Only you have that right.

It's your God-given right to make the choice than could potentially change your life forever.

A simple choice that can have such a big impact on yourself and your loved ones.

Imagine the joy and excitement in their eyes when you're going to tell them:

"I did something wonderful today! I found something I believe in, something that really works and I'm going to use this to get real results."

The ball is in your court.

On one hand you can choose to go about things like you have until now.

This will set you back months if not years.

Time wasted trying to figure out all this stuff on your own.


How Much Value Do You Place On Your Time?

If by following what I'm giving you here... could achieve your weight loss goals even a day sooner...

...wouldn't that be worth a measly $39.00 / bottle?

Of course it would. How precious are your moments, after all?

Which makes be believe you're going to opt for the savvy choice today.

That means you're going to take advantage of this offer and try out Alpilean for 60-day guarantee risk free...

The Importance Of Living Without Regrets

The ABSOLUTE WORST that can happen is that you get your entire investment back.

Yet, if you do nothing...'ll change nothing...

...and you'll simply go down the same road you've been on all this time.

You could waste far more money and time than this split-second "Yes" decision today will cost you, and I'm afraid to say:

Regret may take a hold of you if you fail to act.

And that's not something I wish for you...

And I'm sure it's not what you wish for you as well.

Will you allow me to save you from all that heartache and regret?

Will you let me take you by the hand and help you every step of the way to ensure you get the results you desire and deserve?

Will you take advantage of what I have to offer you today so you can finally lose weight, fit into your old clothes and even appear years younger?


Then let this nightly fat melting hack work it's magic on you:

By clicking the order button below right now, you'll receive Alpilean, complete with all those juicy bonuses, for the unheard of price of just $39.00 / bottle.

You get to save $129.90 off the full price!

Today marks your turning point, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it.

Yours in health and wellness success,
Martha Jones

P.S. Just in case you have a few more questions about Alpilean, I've compiled a list of the most commonly-asked questions below...

Q1: What is the Alpilean?
A1: The Alpilean is a revolutionary fat burning program designed to help people lose weight and melt stubborn body fat.

Q2: How does the Alpilean work?
A2: The Alpilean is designed to help users reach their fat-burning goals. It does this by giving them a combination of exercise methods and dietary plans, as well as motivational tips that provide ongoing encouragement. With this well-being program in your corner you'll be unstoppable!

Q3: Is it effective for melting stubborn body fat?
A3: Yes, the Alpilean has been proven to be effective at melting away stubborn body fat. It helps users get rid of excess pounds while sculpting an attractive figure that can be maintained over time.

Q4: Are there any side effects associated with using this system?
A4 :No, there are no known side effects associated with using the Alpilean. However, like any other fitness or diet program, results may vary depending on individual's commitment level and lifestyle changes implemented during use of the product .

Q5: How long will it take before I start seeing results from using this system?
A5: It is recommended to give the Alpilean at least 8 weeks before expecting visible results. However, some people have seen positive changes within just a few days of implementing the program. 

Ultimately, results depend on individual commitment and dedication to follow through with the program's instructions.
P.P.S. Remember:

Click on the link below to get Alpilean along side all those exclusive bonuses...

For the deeply discounted price of ONLY $39.00 / bottle.

That's a savings to you of $129.90 slashed right off the retail price!

And you can REST EASY with my iron-clad 60-day guarantee...
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